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Monday, April 6, 2015

Evolution vs. God

Movie Review by Anne McCoy
Welcome to another movie review, this time a documentary that will change lives.
Before you read this article, comment below whether you have watched the DVD pictured below:

Evolution VS. God DVD box

If you have not, here is a synopsis directly from one of the DVD's social media pages:

Hear expert testimony from leading evolutionary scientists from some of the world’s top universities:
  • Professor Peter Nonacs, UCLA Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
  • Professor Craig Stanford, USC Biological Sciences and Anthropology
  • PZ Myers, Biologist, University of Minnesota Morris
  • Gail E. Kennedy, Associate Professor (Ph.D.) UCLA Department of Anthropology 
A study of the evidence of vestigial organs, natural selection, the fifth digit, the relevance of the stickleback, Darwin’s finches and Lenski's bacteria—all under the microscope of the Scientific Method--observable evidence from the minds of experts. Prepare to have your faith shaken.

You also need to know that the format of the presentation is Ray Comfort interviewing the names listed above as well as a number of students.  (I presume the students are from those same schools; I'm not sure.)  He simply poses several questions, such as, "How do you know that evolution is true?"  "When did you start to believe in evolution?"  "Are you willing to provide me with one, single, observable instance of evolution?"  Each individual answers the questions and the footage is assembled to represent their answers.

A few interviewees in the presentation


As all you film makers know, an interviewer may not always get the answers he wants, but it is quite easy to represent answers in a light favorable to your view.  Now before you shoot me, I'm not saying that Mr. Comfort has done this in this video.  My impression is that Mr. Comfort is quite respectful as he approaches each person, requesting their opinions about his questions.

Leading through various lines of reasoning, each attempts to prove evolution from various points of view.  Some very quickly reply that they "trust that the experts have done their science correctly" while other do indeed bring up examples of "Darwin's finches, Lenski's bacteria" and so forth.

Towards the end of the presentation, the nail-in-the-coffin statement is made by Professor Gail E. Kennedy:

The problem with those who are unable to see evolution,

 I think, is they don't have imaginations.

I am thankful and proud to say that what I believe regarding the origins of life and matter is written by Almighty God who just happens to also be the one and only perfect Maker of both!  I do not need an imagination to know Him or to know what He has done.  I just said who He is, here is what He has done: First, He created a beautiful and perfect world for His most special creation, Man, to inhabit.  Second, when we disobeyed His created order, He became God in the flesh, the sinless Son of Man Jesus Christ, and died on the cross to pay for my disobedience and yours.  We are offered this gift because we are created in His image, not evolved from a puddle.

Earlier I brought up the issue of misrepresented answers to an interviewer's questions and that was not a bunny trail.  I do have a major problem with this documentary and that is this: all the promotion-type videos I have seen for it thus far are NOT RESPECTFUL of the interviewees or their views.  In the promo I saw, Mr. Comfort asked a question and the next clips only showed the interviewees saying, "umm," "hmm," "Let me think a second," "not sure," and so forth.  Other cuts were made so that the answers did not make a lot of logical sense and/or made their expressions appear comical, etc.
Notice the screenshots above from the full video; I chose snapshots of normal faces of people speaking to a mic.  I did that on purpose.  Check this out: not good, not good either, and very bad.
The above described behavior in the editing process is not loving to the people, no matter what they may think, and is definitely not going to encourage them to hear anything you have to say!
My conclusion is this
-- the DVD is a very good witnessing tool and I highly recommend it for distribution everywhere.
-- when you are witnessing, be very cautious of making fun of the other person or attempting to make them look silly.
-- Never be ashamed to declare to anyone that Jesus Christ is Creator and Lord!
Thank you for reading this article; I hope you were edified!
Additional, highly recommended resources:
and of course,
Next up on the blog will be an introduction to my first series article.
Dear America, it's 2015.  Do you know where your children are?  (Part 1)
*Photo credits*
 DVD box: my trusty scanner
 Youtube snapshots: my trusty screen clipper

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