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Sunday, March 22, 2015

Coming soon!

In the next couple of weeks, I shall post a story from a few years ago that still affects how I live today.  Think on the importance of friendship and how you view it in your life.  See ya soon!

Christians are Cucumbers

For now, a gorgeous piece of music by my friends!  (And one of my favoritest songs, BTW...)

You Raise Me Up -- Jordan & Bethany Strang

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Polycarp: Destroyer of Gods

Movie Review by Anne McCoy

Thanks to Media Talk 101, I had a chance to see the newly released movie Polycarp at San Antonio's film festival!  What an encouragement and blessing in the midst of a literal dark age in media!  The ministry of Henline Productions is like few others that I have seen.
Synopsis from the producers: A young slave girl, Anna, is rescued and adopted by Christians in 2nd Century Smyrna and befriended by their aged bishop, Polycarp.  As Anna is taught by Polycarp and her new family, she struggles to reconcile her beliefs with those of the Christians.  When the Roman proconsul demands that all citizens worship Caesar to show their allegiance to Rome, Polycarp and the Christians must find courage to stand for their faith against the growing threat of persecution.  Anna is forced to come to grips with the truth and choose whom she is willing to live and die for.
I'm not going to spoil the story for you, but here are a few of the things that stood out to me.
The things of this world are passing away.  Through hardships, trials, joys, and successes, Polycarp reminds the church that God will provide God's way in God's time and we don't really have to worry about it.  What if they take your stuff?  Even your income source?  Even all your ministry for the Lord?  By the way, you are not responsible for a ministry if God decides to give it to someone else.  It's His, right?  These faithful Christians discover that He can take care of it real well!
It's okay to be human.  Remember, that's what God made you.  Polycarp and the Christians remind us that none of us can be perfect and that sometimes a lot of times, humans get scared.  Sometimes the hard way, each individual learns that you must not bottle up your fears and concerns and questions and just 'be tough'.  God is your Heavenly, Divine daddy.  He wants to hear what scares you and what you desire, too.  Talk to Him.  Then listen.
Luke 12:26-31

The power is really God's.  When various members of the Christians are faced with persecution and death, they are naturally afraid.  Choosing to rely on Christ's strength and example is their only hope and what a hope it is!!  Each one knows that he or she is about to step into the Presence of the Divine for eternity.

He is not here.  He is Risen!

God loves you.  He loves you enough that He sent Jesus Christ as a man to die in your place and pay for your sins.  He didn't stop there either; He raised Jesus from the dead so that you could know for certain that He is God and so that you can have eternal life in Heaven!  This is how much He loves you and me!

1 John 4:19

This last thought is really the core of the whole message, in my opinion.  Anna learns that no matter what garbage the world may throw her way, her one and only Heavenly Father will carry her from day to day and all she needs to do is hold tight to Him.

Dear Friend, the same is true for you now as it was for Anna in the 2nd century.  The gift of salvation is free.  Reach out your heart and accept it today!


*Photo credits*
Polycarp Banners:
Jeff Vanderstelt Quote: lots of practice :)
Yellow Sundrop Flower & 1 John 4:19:
Cross in Sunrise: Louis Gervais


Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Hey, I started blogging!

Do you love music?
Quick post from this weekend; we went to a concert!  Check out the music below and praise God that some faithful remain.  God bless y'all and I'll be back with the first post, a movie review regarding #cwvff2015.
And last but not least....